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Another fantastic year for Laurieston
entering 2 Teams in the Central Doubles League
With the 1sts Team in division 3 and the seconds in division 4
The 1st team were extremely competitive in all their games & missed out in promotion on set difference.
Finishing tied second on 20 points but finishing 4th overall out of 6.
This is enough to secure next season in division 3
Second Team saw a slightly trickier season, as there were less games and more teams, with a few injuries saw our our second team play man youngsters  at times, and finished with respectable tied 5th out of 8 finishing on 13 points.
Huge thank you to all players & parents of younger players who travelled to away games, supplied food for post match suppers, or supported the teams in their matches it very much appreciated. Thank you to Craig who has been organising with other club captains start times and pairings. A proposal for an award for (Player of the Season) for each Team, which will be given to the player with most sets won over the course of the season (tracked in the LTA website). Small Non-engraved trophy to be awarded at the Ceilidh.
After a successful season, the men decided to try and keep competitive over the summer with an Internal Box league 7 teams entered. plans to change to a Singles League over the winter.


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